Sunday, May 12, 2019

God's thoughts are not like ours, they're better.

In a world of "me first" and not liking those who are different from ourselves, God's grace and mercy is the power that wakes each of us up every single day. God loves all of his creation. But his creation has turned against him. We want freedom from restraint, the freedom to make our own decisions. But freedom without the truth only leads to a false freedom. Freedom without boundaries is like setting a hungry tiger loose in the middle of Istanbul.

So God's ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. So we must surrender to his thoughts and serve his ways versus our own ways. Submit to his all powerful, all knowing, all loving thoughts. God is love. He is right. He is our creator. He gave you this day, he gives you every day.

And so here is another thought of his that may turn your world upside down. But believe it, you will make the world a better place by obeying it.

“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”

–Luke 6:27

PRAY that Muslims around the world would know God as their good and trustworthy Father.

“My name is Fatjon. I was raised in a Muslim family and I lived my life unable to trust anyone around me. But now I follow Jesus the Messiah, who alone is worthy of my trust.”

Throughout the Muslim world, many are taught that it is dangerous to trust.

Many live in isolation – hiding their questions, struggles, and burdens. Millions of Muslims are looking for someone they can trust.

And many, like Fatjon, are finding it in Jesus.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Rise Together Ministries - Helping Refugees find jobs!

Rise Together Ministries helps refugees

Whether refugees have been in the U.S. one week or one year, Rise Together Ministries (RTM) helps them find meaningful work. Through RTM's retail store, residential and commercial cleaning services, or woodworking projects, refugees can begin working in the U.S. right away to pay their rent and buy groceries.

Find out more by clicking here.

Pray for Muslims during Ramadan

College is often a time many question long-held personal and family beliefs. Both Christian and Muslim students explore their faith! For Christ followers having and exploring questions leads to the Truth and stronger faith in Jesus; however questions are not welcomed among Muslims. We are seeing great curiosity among Muslim students, which opens the door for potentially life-changing conversations. This is a great opportunity for Christian students, campus workers and even those “adopting” a student while far from their home, to share friendship, hospitality, and Jesus!

"Lydia" arrived in the US from a Muslim country  to achieve a master's degree. She was decidedly a closet atheist; however, when invited by a friend to a Discovery Bible Study hosted by a campus church she found acceptance of her hard questions she never could address, and eventually became a follower of Jesus!

Romans 10:14

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

How to Pray:

  •  Pray for Muslim students, often far from home, to find community and friendship through Christ followers around them.
  • Pray that many students will experience Jesus in dreams and visions, have a Christ follower to share it with, and find peace through Jesus.
  • Pray that Christian students will live Spirit-filled lives that are attractive and contagious to their Muslim friends in their dorms, apartments, classes, and student organizations. Pray also that they would be bold, respectful, and loving in sharing their faith (1 Peter 3:15-16). If you know students or workers by name, pray for them!
  • Pray for campus ministries, such as International Students Incorporated (ISI), International Friends Inc. (IFI), Bridges International (CRU), Campus churches, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), Navigators, English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and volunteers

Serve Day in the day care at Oasis International

What does "refuge" mean to you?

What does "refuge" mean to you?
Assimilating Refugees