Sunday, February 23, 2014

Do Unto Others...

Be A Refuge Blog - communicates my desire to come alongside refugees and make a difference in their new lives in the U.S. My perspective: by meeting refugees in their need today, we will build a better community for tomorrow. This is done in several ways: provide material, everyday things, which they can't buy on their own.
#1 Provide programs which help them get settled, programs such as ESL classes, job training, community, and networking.
#2 Film their story and get the word out about their needs. Refugees' needs are great. Being an example of kindness in a world with too much pain.

I use video to promote and present the various needs of refugees throughout the United States, using cross cultural, multi-lingual videos as a platform to better connect all of us.  I visit churches, businesses, and homes to share refugees' stories and ask for involvement.  I want to build a team of supporters who are actively changing the lives of refugees with the message of hope, education, and opportunity.

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Assimilating Refugees